Wake Up and Get Real

To interrupt a pattern that’s not working, you have to be conscious and awake. We’re all human; all flawed. Still, we are tasked with our own awakening. The process requires us to peel back the layers.

We might possess a strength in physics and a weakness for cheeseburgers. The shy gentle nature that earned us gold stars in grade school might mask a hair-trigger temper in adulthood. We must work to smooth our own rough edges. And when we can acknowledge our failings while recognizing our worth, we slip into our own skin and inhabit it comfortably.

If we’re fully awake though, we learn to accept ourselves as we are, not as we wish to be. Like the Velveteen Rabbit, we become real. We live and love in our truth.

2 replies
  1. Kim Baker Glenn
    Kim Baker Glenn says:

    So beautifully put, Lynda. My experience: comfort free of anxiety begins when one ceases to wish to be anyone or anything other than one’s true self.


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