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DOPESICK by Virginia journalist and author Beth Macy released in early August to praise for her investigative and in-depth look at the birthplace of the opioid crisis – Appalachia – and the dealers, doctors and drug company that addicted America. “On remembering each death is a tragedy: ‘We lost 72,000 people last year — up 10 percent from the year before. And every one of those 72,000 people and their family members and their friends, that’s a tragedy.

This is an unprecedented level of a drug epidemic, and we really need a comprehensive model to mitigate it. … I think we just have to have leadership at the state, at the local, at the federal level of a big scale and intensity.’” ‘Dopesick’ is next on my reading list. #motheringaddiction #dopesick


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Dr. Omar Abubaker will be speaking at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church on Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 7:00 pm on “Compassion in Addiction”.

The JHW Foundation, Inc. continues its incredible work. Sharing the following link so that as many people as possible get this date on their calendar. #compassioninaddiction #motheringaddiction